Privacy Policy
Types of Cookies:
In general, the cookies which are initially placed on Warren Knows Gifts Distributors website may be categorized as essential cookies, However, considering that our platform gives you the ability to add multiple components, codes, third party applications and so on, my website may include other types of cookies which might require a specific setting. Take a look at the information below to see which cookies are on the Warren Knows Gifts website. XSRF-Token-used for security reasons, hs-used for security reasons, svSession-used in connection with user login, SSR-caching-to indicate the system from which the site was rendered, wixCIDX-used for system monitoring/debugging, wixBrowser sees-used for system monitoring/debugging, consent-policy-used for cookie banner parameters, smSession-used to identify logged in site member, F S*-used for security and anti fraud reasons, bSession-used for system effectiveness measurement, Fedops.logger.X-used for stability/eeffectiveness measurement, wixLanguage-used on mutltilingual wesites to save user language preference.